Sex Therapy
Sex therapy, also known as psychosexual therapy, focuses on helping people to overcome difficulties related to their sexual self and life. This may involve exploring issues of sexual identity or relate to sexual ‘functioning’ and problems with desire, arousal, pleasure, and orgasm.
Some of these problems may also go by the following categories or diagnoses:
Erectile dysfunction (difficulty getting and maintaining an erection)
Rapid or premature / early ejaculation
Inorgasmia (difficulty achieving orgasm)
Dyspareunia (pain during sex)
Out of control sexual behaviours (‘sex addiction’)
Along with the psychosexual difficulties above I am experienced helping with:
Anxiety related to sexually transmitted infections
Adjusting to and living with sexually transmitted infections like HIV and herpes
Managing sexual risk
Cultivating a sober sex life after chems use
Sexuality is often a complex area of our lives, and can be difficult for people to talk openly about, let alone seek support for. It requires a specialist understanding of how the psychological, social, and biological factors interconnect to facilitate or disrupt sexual processes.​